Welcome to Rumor City. Location? Limbo.

Rumor City mimics a facsimile of modern life. It has brownstone buildings with glass windows and concrete streets familiar to its inhabitants and technology is as you’d expect to find it. To the surprise of Rumor City’s residents, cell service isn’t hard to find, though that is where its similarities to life before ends. Rumor City’s people find their death results in damnation and many take on dream-like appearances with wicked horns, elongated teeth, unusual wings, or even find bits of machinery crudely grafted into their features.

The city’s complexion differs from what one might expect. Curious bio-luminescent flora grows in the cracks of buildings and clings to its waterways. Otherworldly crystals jut out of the cobbled stone works and cast an eerie light on neighboring bars and bodegas. The city is cast in a palette of vibrant blues and pinks though the coloration is more of a facade than anything else. Rumor’s citizens reflect their home’s vibrancy but their violent nature make you wonder if this is some form of punishment. Questionable though the residents of Rumor are, some things hold sway all the same. As above, so below; it turns out that souls in death are just as greedy for riches as they were in life. Perhaps even more so. So they screech, claw and toil for Scratch, Rumor’s currency of choice. The root of all evil.

Rumor’s residents remember acutely how the structure of the world they lived in failed them and so Law enforcement is not a popular topic, supplanted instead by a rebellious spirit. Rumor’s police station was quickly burned to the ground and those who clutched onto law and order found themselves instead conjoining their mission with the local hospital. Officers became orderlies who roamed the streets, doing their utmost to rescue and defend residents from danger to lessen their suffering. Operating under the mission of Rescue and Repent, they struggle, seeking redemption for others and themselves. Regrettably, the bad here seems to outweigh the good as Rumor proudly flaunts its centers of debauchery and sin. Its bordellos, its bars; its cafes, and casinos. Rumor shows one empirical truth – Hell is other people.

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