Creating a Faction

Our community offers extensive opportunities for players eager to establish their own factions. If you’re interested in carving out a niche for your group, here’s what you need to know:

  • Formation Requirements: Assemble a team of at least five members (note: alternate accounts are not eligible) to kickstart your faction.
  • Establishing Your Presence: Craft a compelling faction write up detailing your mission, values, and recruitment information. This page will be displayed on our website, providing your faction with visibility and a platform for growth.
  • Creative Liberties: We encourage you to personalize your faction’s space. Upon approval, you’ll be allocated a certain number of prims (in-game objects) to decorate your headquarters, subject to the overall land impact limits to ensure smooth gameplay for everyone.
  • Resource Management: While we don’t offer rentals for additional prims, the number allocated to your faction can be adjusted. Should your faction’s land impact exceed the norm, a friendly conversation with the sim owner will help find a balance that respects both your creative vision and the community’s needs.

By fostering a respectful and collaborative environment, we aim to make our world a vibrant collection of player-driven stories and adventures. Welcome to the fold, and we look forward to seeing the unique mark your faction will leave on our community!

In order to Apply for a Sim faction please contact ember.ronas with your concept.

Opening a business in Rumor:

In several parts of the city you will see empty buildings. These are for players to create factions or businesses in. If you do not want to have a full force faction and instead would just like to have a small business please contact admin and tell us what empty location you’re interested in with a SURL!