Real Meat™

“Real Meat. They call it a lab, where science supposedly spins its web and cooks up this cultured meat—because the real stuff, the kind that once mooed or clucked, doesn’t come by easy in these parts. But here’s the rub: folks whisper that Real Meat’s got an angle that ain’t on the up and up. See, they’re paying good Scratch for bodies, no questions asked—just drop the remains in the lobby, and the heavier the corpse, the heavier the payout. Hell, they even have health supplements, hard drugs, and fuckin’ whey powder if it wasn’t strange enough already.

Now, I ain’t no scientist, but anyone with a lick of sense can tell that something don’t smell right—and it ain’t the meat. This place, they never seem to run out of their product, always got supply no matter the demand. And in a city where folks can’t stay dead, that’s a mighty convenient setup, ain’t it? They claim they’re growing steaks in petri dishes, but the street talk suggests they’re just carving up Echoes and slinging their parts as prime cuts.

Real Meat’s got its fingers in another pie, and that’s the bounty system. It’s like they’ve got a side hustle that’s as dark as the city nights. Here’s how it shakes down: they’re the go-to spot for those looking to pin a price on someone’s head. An Echo steps outta line or welches on a deal down at The Fiery Pit, and who’s there to clean up the mess? You guessed it, Real Meat.”

— Unknown

Real Meat

Real Meat is a laboratory where meat cultures are cultivated, a vital resource in a realm devoid of traditional meat sources. It’s an establishment that stands at the intersection of science and speculation, providing an essential commodity while shrouded in mysteries and rumors.

Real Meat operates on a literal business model, offering payment based on the weight of deposited Echo bodies. The bodies of Echoes, the residents of Rumor City who have respawned, often find their way to Real Meat’s “body drop”. This has led to rampant speculation about the possible use of Echo bodies for meat production, suggesting a disturbing form of cannibalism beneath the veneer of a lab-grown meat facility.

Real Meat is not merely a provider of lab-grown meat; it plays a pivotal role in the city’s darker dealings. The facility is intricately linked to the Bounty Hunter Guild. Bounties are placed on Echoes, often for reneging on deals, and the fulfillment of these bounties involves a reward processing fee. Once a bounty is completed, the responsible party can claim their reward, further intertwining Real Meat with the city’s cycle of life and death.

Real Meat dispatches all its products to The Fiery Pit, where they are either prepared for consumption or offered uncooked. The entire faction serves as a cover for our off-screen bounty processing activities, and as such, we will not be broadening our operations or hiring beyond receptionist roles for this faction.

Jobs at Real Meat

Job Descriptions for Real Meat Roles

  1. Intake Specialist (Carcass Reception)
    • Context: Vital role as the initial contact for Real Meat’s resources. Requires dissociation from the origins of Echo bodies for effective potential assessment.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Reception and initial processing of Echo bodies.
      • Body condition assessment for utility maximization.
      • Maintaining emotional detachment from macabre work.
    • OOC Expectations:
      • Greeting each person at Real Meat.
      • Processing bounties: receiving bodies and directing bounty hunters to submit body receipts online for bounty removal.