The Fused


Step into the cyberpunk enigma of the Fused, a subset where the fusion of human and machine takes center stage. Within the vast expanse of Rumor City, those with a touch of psychosis coursing through their veins find a sense of belonging. The Fused, unique among the Echoes, dwells in a realm that delves deep into cyberpunk and science fiction aesthetics.


Fused manifest in a diverse range of appearances that merge human essence with cybernetic innovation, creating an aesthetic that blurs the line between flesh and machine. Some Fused are designed to allow for chemicals to be injected into their body in order to provide them with a skill, or perhaps a medication. Conversely, other Fused have undergone a complete metamorphosis, transcending their human origins to embrace full android or robotic embodiments. Among their ranks, variations abound—ranging from those sporting robotic appendages to those embodying creatures of fantastical genetics, akin to the realm of replicants, robots, and androids. All modifications the Fused possesses are shaped after human limbs. Truly exotic overhauls that would replace the legs with tank treads or the arms with guns or swords do not exist inside of Rumor. However, augmentations that fuse more metal arms to the spinal column do.

Why would someone become a Fused? 

The people who find themselves slipping into the realm of a Fused often grapple with questions about identity, consciousness, and the nature of humanity. If your Echo experienced or empathized with economic inequality and its impact on society during recent years, if they’re inclined to defy authoritarian governments or formidable corporate entities, or if they revel in embracing their role as the unpredictable variable, they align with the spirit of the wild card. 

Among the ranks of Fused Echos, there exists an ache for authenticity within a dominion overwhelmingly defined by artificial constructs of psychosis. For those who evolve into fully mechanized beings like androids or attain a state of genetic perfection akin to replicants, this transformation could signify a detachment from their emotions throughout their journey, or perhaps a history of upbringing that coerced emotional suppression.  

Genre’s unique trait

The majority of Fused find themselves somewhat disconnected from reality. Whether they exist as a fusion of human and machine, or take on the label of a “juicer,” this amalgamation often leads to mental instability. Some Fused may even believe themselves to be denizens of the future, recounting their lives within a cyberpunk metropolis yet to exist, and some even share these delusions in groups insisting they are from places not known to the everyday man like Terminal Vector or Midian City. Their tenuous grasp of reality often propels them towards violence.


Fused blur the line between flesh and machine, ranging from chemical-infused bodies to full android forms. Some sport robotic limbs and bioluminescent tattoos, while others have nano-scale machinery enhancing their abilities. Chemical augmentation expertise and advanced artificial skin are also common. Fused typically emerge from individuals grappling with identity and societal issues. This amalgamation often leads to mental instability, with some believing in future cyberpunk cities yet to exist.